about me
Portrait @2x

My story took a few twists and turns before I found my calling in UI/UX design. After graduating high school in New Jersey, I wanted to go somewhere that felt different from anything I’d experienced before, so I moved to India, where I taught English and math in the slums of Kolkata and Bangalore. After returning to New Jersey, I bought a car and drove across the country to San Diego, where my love of biology led me to a position at a wolf reserve (the California Wolf Center), where I’d enter the wolves’ enclosures to bring them food and monitor their health. When the year was over, I drove back east and enrolled in Vassar College. I was torn between a career path in science or in a creative field but ended up choosing the former and majoring in neuroscience.

After moving to Brooklyn and working a range of jobs, from bartending to caring for the live animals at the American Museum of Natural History, I found myself increasingly captivated with the design all around us in everyday life. I began to think about how I might design things differently. I was excited by the idea of telling a story through a visual composition, and inspired by the limitless possibility for innovation. I earned a certificate degree in UI/UX design from Career Foundry and began translating my ideas into reality.

Feel free to contact me with any questions, or just to connect!

View My Resume
Relevant Skills
  • Branding/Visual Design
  • User research (Competitor analysis, user testing, data analysis)
  • User flows
  • Personas
  • Wireframing
  • Style guides
  • Prototyping
  • Responsive design
  • Cross-platform design
  • Basic Animation
  • Front-end development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Sketch
  • Figma
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • InVision
  • Balsamiq
  • Proto.io
  • Git